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Watch: Serbia fans chant Vladimir Putin’s name amid violent clashes with German police

Footage online showed mass confrontation in Munich’s central Marienplatz

There were violent clashes between Serbia fans and riot police before the country’s final European Championship group game against Denmark.
Footage online showed what appeared to be a mass confrontation in Munich’s central Marienplatz, where Serb supporters were also filmed chanting “Vladimir Putin”.
Clips of Serbia fans paying tribute to the Russian president had previously emerged after their opening Group C defeat by England.
The build-up to that game had witnessed minor skirmishes between rival supporters that led to several arrests.
But the violence in Munich before Serbia’s goalless draw on Tuesday, which led to them being eliminated from Euro 2024, appeared much more serious.
The country, which has strong ties to Russia, is home to some of the world’s most infamous football hooligans and police warned before the tournament that they were expecting up to 500 of them to travel to Germany.
It was also claimed on the opening weekend that the son of Serbia’s president had been hauled back from joining a brawl after trouble flared on the streets of Gelsenkirchen before the England match.
Videos posted online appeared to show Danilo Vučić, 26, being restrained by three of his bodyguards as he attempted to get towards a fight between more than 100 supporters.
Danilo Vučić, the son of the Serbian president, is seen wrestling with his bodyguards as he attempts to join a clash with English fans in Gelsenkirchen ahead of the Serbia-England game.Danilo is known for his links with Serbian ultras, extremist groups and criminal underground.
Violence erupted when English hooligans allegedly “looking for a scrap” rushed Serbian fans sitting outside the Hirt steakhouse.
Fans who targeted the bar hurled bottles, tables and chairs before they were chased by riot police who later detained eight people ahead of England’s 1-0 win against Serbia.
Several fans and at least one local police officer were left with heavy head wounds following the violence.
Videos showed Serbian fans retaliating and media across the Balkans claimed that a man attempting to get involved but held back by bodyguards was Vučić.
The footage showed him allegedly trying to plunge into the fray as his bodyguards held him back and blocked him from the front.
Croatian and Bosnian media claimed the bodyguards were part of the special “Cobra” unit of the Serbian military police responsible for counter-terrorism, close protection and special operations.
Another clip posted on social media was said to show him break free from the grip of his bodyguards before he disappears into the crowd.
There is no suggestion he actually became involved in the violence.
